Through our Philanthropic Advocacy and bespoke Donor Advising we partner with funders to guide and grow investments that drive equitable climate action.
With over two dozen collaborators whose philanthropies span the fields of Climate Action and Clean Energy Transition, Racial Equity, Workforce Development, Social Innovation, Health, Civic Participation, Good Governance, and Impact Investing, the Equity Fund has become an influential vehicle for funders to advance work across impact areas. By moving resources together, through the Equity Fund, we are working toward systemic change.
Donor Advising Supports We Offer:
- Bespoke donor advising
- Grantee portfolio strategy development
- Grantee recommendations and due diligence materials
- Docket review and editing
- Specialized engagements with boards, staff, and key stakeholders
- Site visit planning
- Partnerships and collaborators (national, state, sector)