Meet Our Nevada Partners

Photos courtesy of NV Plan and NV Faith Organizing.

In 2021, Nevada grantee partners organized BIPOC and faith-based communities around climate justice issues across the state. They established the NV Environmental Justice Coalition (NEJC) and resolved to use that space for alignment and coordination around a shared climate justice agenda. The coalition currently includes PLAN, Mi Familia Vota, Make It Work NV, Chispa NV, Faith in Action NV, and Make the Road NV—all Equity Fund grantees. Grantee partners and allied organizations also created a new campaign, Breathe Free NV, to raise awareness around climate inequities, links between fossil fuel pollution and public health, and the urgent need to lower energy costs for low-income communities of color. They released the Equity-Focused Climate Strategies for Nevada report, which is part of an equitable decarbonization series. In addition, during the 2021 legislative session, partners won important equity provisions in SB448, such as doubling the utility’s energy efficiency initiative for low-income customers and requiring that 40% of infrastructure expenditures benefit underserved communities.

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