The End of Our Beginning, The Beginning of Our Future


February 20, 2024

Dear Friends,

For the past eight years, the Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund and the Climate Equity Action Fund have built power for equitable climate action and a Just Transition to a clean energy future. As Chair of the Equity Fund and Action Funds’ Boards of Directors, it is with the deepest gratitude that I share Roger’s decision to transition from his role as President and CEO. The timing of this transition is meaningful: every Spring brings a renewed sense of commitment to life on this planet, to emerge rejuvenated and resilient, to bloom and blossom. As we thank Roger for eight years of stewardship, and we undertake a process to find our next Chief Executive leader, we have the utmost confidence that the Equity Fund and Action Fund teams will continue the critical work already planned for the year ahead, and maintain the organization as it continues to grow. The Board and executive leadership team understand this as an opportunity, one we will seize together with clear-eyed conviction.

With Roger’s astute leadership, the Funds have become national influencers in climate philanthropy and leaders in advancing equitable climate action and clean energy transition in the United States. Under his visionary leadership, our funding has grown from $1 million in our first year to almost $40 million in 2023. Our work began in just four states; and has grown to supporting more than 200 community-based organizations, and some of the most advanced community-led campaigns for clean energy transition and climate action, with cutting-edge victories across 13 states. Since Roger founded the Funds in 2016, they have become a force for equitable funding when the United States is moving the most funds in history to spur a Just Transition.

And we’re just getting started.

The Boards that Roger has helped bring together will lead the search for our next CEO. Equity Action Fund Board member Sarah Christensen will chair the search committee and work with executive search firm Isaacson Miller to identify the next Chief Executive Officer. In the meantime, the Fund’s Executive team will include Jillian Murphy, who has generously accepted our invitation to serve as Interim Executive Director; Jodeen Olguín-Tayler and Sangita Sigdyal who will continue to serve as the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Chief Operating Officer respectively; Jordan Estevao serving as the Vice President of Programs; and Board member Brady Walkinshaw serving as Senior Advisor. This team will work closely with Roger and the Equity Fund and Action Funds’ boards and staff to steward the transition.

The Equity Funds will continue to be a beacon for investing in the leadership and organizing of diverse communities. We will continue our vital support to secure solutions and win critical policy fights that reflect the priorities of communities and advance racial, economic, and environmental justice. We remain dedicated to this mission and steadfast in our commitment to it and to our partners.

In the months ahead we will have opportunities to celebrate Roger’s incredible stewardship of the Funds, share more details on how our commitments to this work are even further galvanized, and provide more details about the search and process for a new chief executive to join us and keep us on course. For now, thank you for joining us in extending our gratitude to Roger as we celebrate the end of our beginning and the beginning of our future. 

The Equity Fund and Action Fund’s bright future is a testament to the foundation Roger laid, the esteem and trust Roger and the Board continue to show in the Executive team, staff, grantees, and partners, as well as in the leadership of the communities and movements we support and whose lead we follow. We are immensely grateful to Roger for his leadership and vision. While the executive team and Board are sad to see him transition from the CEO role, we know that what he helped build will sustain, grow, and thrive. On behalf of the Boards, thank you, Roger, for your leadership.

Michelle J. DePass
Board Chair

Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund Board of Directors

Michelle J. DePass, Chair
Carrie Doyle, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation*
Mijo Vodopic, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation*
Brady Piñero Walkinshaw, University of Washington*

Climate Equity Action Fund Board of Directors

Michelle J. DePass, Chair
Sarah Christiansen, McKnight Foundation*
Julie Fernandes, Rockefeller Family Fund*

* affiliation for identification purposes only


An Open Letter to Climate Philanthropists: Join Us in Investing in Diverse Community Leadership For Successful Federal Implementation